Black Tears Stained the Glass

Price available upon request

Terrell Maurice
American, b. 1985
Dimensions: 48 in x 24 in
Medium: Oil and acrylic on canvas
Date Completed: February 2020

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    Black Tears Stained the Glass is a compelling abstract work on canvas by Terrell Maurice. A tight palette of black, yellow, and shades of blue and gray creates a striking visual impact. The central focus of the work is a bold yellow triangle—its sharp edges creating a contrast with the jagged black lines that snake across the canvas, alluding to the patterns in stained glass. These fragmented lines and the somber background colors establish a sense of unease and loss, while the vibrant yellow triangle hints at a glimmer of hope or resilience. The interplay between these elements creates a dynamic tension within the composition.

    The negative space surrounding the central triangle further amplifies the feeling of isolation, drawing the viewer’s eye inwards and encouraging a contemplative engagement with the artwork. The title itself invites the viewer to explore the relationship between the religion and inter-generational trauma. The fragmented black lines and somber colors evoke feelings of unease and loss, while the vibrant yellow triangle offers a counterpoint, suggesting a glimmer of hope or resilience in the face of hardship. This captivating abstract piece is sure to resonate with viewers and leave a lasting impression.